During the 14th and 15th century pandemic, the black death killed nearly half the world’s population, according to, Bubonic Plague: Yesterday’s Scourge–and Tomorrow’s? As present-day cases of bubonic plague reappear in parts of North America and Europe, people are seeking natural methods to fortify themselves against this devastating disease. Due to its remarkable ability to destroy numerous toxic pathogens, garlic possesses the clout to kill plague.
I was reading an article this morning about how one can place 8 garlic cloves in water and boil them in a quart of water and then drink on it during the day..
I also make my own tincure... I place the following into my blender:
1 large onion
8 Havenero Peppers
8 Garlic cloves
2 inches Ginger
Fill the blender with about 3 cups of Dr. Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar
Blend all up for about 5 minutes.
Place in a jar and put it on your sink deck and shake every time you pass by it... The ultimate strength happens in two weeks. Dr. Richard Schulze does this at the new moon.. Says it pulls the properties out of the above mix at a better rate... Don't know myself if this is true; but I know allot of farmers who plant by the moon....
Strain after 2 weeks and place in dropper jars... I usually take about 2 dropper fulls atleast 2 times a day... Or 3... It's a great immune builder and also helps if you weren't using it and have gotten sick, to get well !! faster!!
Better to be safe then to be sorry... For this is great to use every day!!
Stay Healthy and Smart!! My love and prayers for all of us and in the Country where the Pandemic is out of control!! Hugs, Jan
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